Saturday, May 22, 2010

The good thing about being out of ideas ...

... is that there are plenty of other folks out there doing the thinking for ya, should you become so stumped.

F'rinstance, I wanted to come up something for dinner that we could whip up once and then chow on for the rest of the week ... and just then, I stumbled onto Big Red Kitchen's lasagna piece.

Tomatillas were on sale at Sunflower Market, so I grabbed a bunch but wasn't sure what I was going to do with them ... and as soon as I got home, My Kitchen in the Rockies had a great looking enchilada recipe.

(Will have to talk about this one next week ... because I couldn't get the corn tortillas to roll up without cracking, so I just layered them in a baking sheet instead and came up with a faux Mexican lasagna or tamale pie or something in between.)

Then I wanted to do something different for dessert ... and when I opened my Google Reader, Dine and Dish had this gorgeous strawberry shortcake recipe, via Reluctant Entertainer at the top of the page.

(Did you know ... that to make homemade whipped cream, basically you just whip cream? Sounds crazy, I know ...)

A week's worth of great meals, without having to do any heavy thinking on my part.


muddywaters said...

I'm digging the lasagna and Big Red Kitchen. I've tried to curtail my blog reading, but it's difficult because there are just so many great idea out there.

I hope all is well out West. My daughter is spending a week with her grandparents in SW Nebraska. I'm jealous that she's spending time in God's country.

We'll join her there next weekend.

muddywaters said...

Last week I discovered a new, favorite podcast. I think you might dig The Dinner Party Download.

The Training Table said...

Cool — thnx!