Thursday, March 11, 2010

Breakfast Tacos

Personally, big fan here. Doesn't really matter what's in them. Eggs, of course, are a great way to start.

What's not to like about breakfast tacos?


muddywaters said...

I read this article, and filed away the restaurants for my next visit to Austin.

Today I'm home with my sick daughter. Daytime TV is always so surreal to me. Today I watched Martha Stewart bake a cake with Ludracis. He was on the show pimping his new cognac, and they used it in the cake.

Robin Sue said...

I like breakfast tacos any time of the day- eggs, cheese, sausage, potatoes, sour cream, salsa, yup something like that would be good!

oneordinaryday said...

I just made dessert tacos yesterday, so why not breakfast tacos? Sounds like a great way to start the day to me.