Sunday, December 20, 2009

West Point Baked Ziti: Dinner for 4,000

Something you might be able to use for the holidays, if you're doing some major entertaining and happen to have penitentiary kitchen equipment.

3 quarts salad oil
175 pounds ground beef
420 pounds pasta (ziti or penne)
6 cans tomato paste *
12 cans tomato puree *
6 cans diced tomatoes *
20 pounds onions
1.5 pounds garlic
32 pounds mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper to taste

* sorry -- no mention as to the size of the can, so you're on your own there.

Place salad oil in 60 gallon tilt pot and get it hot. Braise onions and garlic in tilt pot.
Add all tomatoes, stock, and simmer for 45 minutes.

Brown meat in oven on baking sheets. Break up meat with hand whip. Drain meat and add to sauce.

Cook pasta in 60 gallon tilt pots. Drain and place in serving dishes. Cover with meat/tomato sauce and shredded mozzarella.

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